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The Parry Auto Company - 1910 - 1912
In 1910, The Parry Auto Co. made the Parry Car. In 1911 - 1912 they made the New Parry.
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Parry Auto Co. ​
Within three years after going bankrupt with the Overland Motor Car Co., David Parry had regained his money and was ready to attempt building once more, but this time it would be with his name. He was sure that he had an answer to success in the automobile industry. He would build it in two models and in large enough quantities to offer it at a cheap price to guarantee a winner. He organized the Parry Auto Company in 1909 and within two months he was in operation with 389 employees and another three thousand in the near future and was delivering his cars to dealers. His desire was to make 5,000 the next year and be the first one to do so in two years of business. He did not succeed in the lower price range.

1910 Parry Model 30 Touring Automobile

1910 Parry Automobile Advertisement

1911 Parry Roadster
The following year, there was a large sign on the building with the name reading "Motor Car Manufacturing Company" and another car was being built there by the name of Pathfinder under that name. The two were built along side of each other. Parry was capitalized for $1,000,000, but only $150,000 was collected. The cars that were sold in 1910 were at a loss. There was no money left.

1911 Parry Bull Dog Advertisement

1911 Parry Touring Advertisement

Parry's failures in the automobile business did not affect his family business, He and his brother had owned a successful carriage business from the 1880's that was also building carriages until 1916. They also built automobile bodies and in 1917 joined with Martin Carriage Works to form the Martin-Parry Co. to build truck bodies and continued doing so until the depression of 1929.
Copied from the web site:
Used with permission of Royal Feltner
( webmaster comment: The Parry Mfg. Co. joined with the Martin Truck and Body Corp. in 1919 to form the Martin-Parry Corporation.)