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Letters of correspondence with Mr. F. S. Meeks from the Martin-Parry Corp.

Meeks 1924-10-17.jpg

Correspondence re: shipping of order.  This might not be the entire letter, as it says "Continued" at the top  Letter dated October 25, 1924.  (Sorry for the poor quality of copy.)

KIC Document 0 26.jpg

Correspondence re: shipments from their various plants.  Letter dated December 10, 1924.

KIC Document 0 27.jpg

Interesting that this letter is dated the same day as the previous letter noting that Mr. Meeks is behind on payments.

Meeks 1924-12-10.jpg
Meeks 1923-12-17.jpg
Meeks 1924-12-20.jpg
Meeks 1925-2-16.jpg
Meeks 1925-2-17.jpg

This was on the back side of the previous letter above.  Looks like it lists all the orders that Mr. Meeks is trying to fill

Meeks 1925-2-17-A.jpg

A small order confirmation maybe.   Maybe a drop shipment? It is dated 4 years after the previous letter.

Meeks 1929-7-20.jpg
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