This web site is dedicated to the Martin-Parry automobiles, and the people that enjoy them.
Here you will find a collection of history, information, and vehicles that were manufactured by the Martin-Parry Corporation while they were in business from 1919 to 1930. This web site is open to all Martin-Parry vehicles no matter what chassis the Martin-Parry body was mounted on.
A car registry is included to catalog those vehicles that still remain in existence. In addition, feel free to stay in touch with others that have the same interests through this website.
It is my hope that this web site will be a focal point for all known Martin-Parry information still remaining and a valuable resource, for that information, that others can enjoy.
Any information that you want to share relative to the Martin-Parry Corporation or vehicles would be greatly appreciated!
See the “Contact” page for how to share information.
A note about where much of the material came from that is published on this web site. On August 8, 2013, I was contacted by email by Mr. A. J. Parry. He offered me the opportunity to scan any and all of his material that he had collected over the years on the Parry Mfg. Co., and their related companies, as well as material about the Parry families. I visited him the next day, and accepted his generous offer. What a treasure of information! Since that time we have become good friends. After I had copied his material, he then sent it to the Indiana Historical Society a year later, September 2014, where it now resides.